"store_promo_pages" { // Localization Note // All URLs will be appended with "/?l=" // eg http://blog.dota2.com/?l=schinese" // Link Format // http://dota.store.itemdetails. - for a particular item or set // http://dota.store.category. - eg, couriers is tab 3 // Use this block for the first version we deploy, higher numbers after "1" { "title" "#dota_store_feature_title_new_store" "url" "http://dota2.com/store" } "2" { "title" "#dota_store_feature_title_new_store" "url" "http://boone.valvesoftware.com/2.html" } //"3" // CLEAR "4" { "title" "#dota_store_feature_title_new_store" "url" "http://www.dota2.com/store/" } // "5" // { // "title" "#dota_store_feature_title_new_store" // "url" "http://boone.valvesoftware.com/test1.php" // } "6" { "title" "#dota_store_feature_title_new_store" "url" "http://www.dota2.com/aegisofchampions/" } // GC will return the 6 highest promo ids // Add new versions here, increment the promo id // skip a version to not send pages prior to that }